CNI News

23 August 2022

There are not enough teachers in the private schools of Ta’ang National which have been opened in 9 townships in northern Shan State, Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) Information Officer Major Mai Aik Kyaw told CNI News Channel.

Ta’ang private schools were started in the first week of June last 2022 and it was opened under the leadership of Ta’ang National Education Committee (TNEC).

Major Mai Aik Kyaw said, “Ta’ang National Education Committee TNEC led and opened them. From what we can see, it is found that there are not enough teachers at the bottom level.

TNEC opening  Ta’ang National Private School (TNEC)

They do not have complete stationery. There still is a need. It has been about 2 years that these students have not studied.

So, opening the school was initiated by a civil organization and monk organization working together. As it just started here, it is found that there are still inconveniences.”

The purpose of opening Ta’ang private school is that it is opened as the basic education schools have been closed since 2020. It is known that when the school opens, other subjects in addition to Ta’ang literature, and the literature of the other ethnic groups will also be taught in their villages.