CNI News

22 August 2022

The State Administration Council announced on 21st August that Ko Kyaw Thura, the owner of Myanmar Thura Gems Company, has been charged with providing financial support for the People’s Defence Forces and his properties and assets were confiscated.

Mon Thu Aung, who lived in Ye Mon Taung Ward in Maha Aungmye Township in Mandalay Region and financed the PDFs, was detained on 17th August 2022. He confessed that he worked as a driver for Myanmar Thura Gems Company and Ko Kyaw Thura, owner of the company, was providing large sums of money to the PDFs.

Ko Kyaw Thura was arrested at his house on Zeyarthiri Lane between 34th and 35th streets and between 88th and 89th roads in Chanayetharzan Township in Mandalay and a Sigsaur pistol, 12 rounds of its bullets and two magazines were seized from one of the bedrooms of his house in the compound of the company in Namphyit Village in Hpakant Township, according to the announcement of the SAC.

The SAC announced that Ko Kyaw Thura provided MMK 615 million, an Alphard, US$ 10,000 and Yuan 19,000 to protesters, CDM staff and the PDFs, according to the announcement.

Therefore, the Myanmar Thura Gems Company and four buildings in its compound at the corner of 33rd street and 52nd Road in Kankauk Ward in Chan Aye Tharzan Township, five assorted vehicles, three buildings on 88 (B) Road between 34th and 35th streets in Pyigyi Pyawbwe (West) ward in Chan Aye Tharzan Township, two assorted vehicles, two generators, about 80 tons of assorted jade pieces, one building and its compound at the corner of Sagaing Road and Thazin 6th street in Uttathiri Ward and Ottarathiri Township in Nay Pyi Taw Council were confiscated.

Two buildings and their compound on Lonekhin Street in Kyaukmyet War in Kyarpin Group in Dakhina Thiri Township, one building and its compound in Shwe Road between A and B streets in Shwe Aik Ward in Myitkyina in Kachin State, 18 buildings and the compound of Myanmar Thura Company in Namphyit Village in Hpakant, 193 tons of assorted jade pieces, two fire safes, a Mitsubishi truck were also confiscated.

A ten-acre jade mine of the company, seven buildings, four rock drilling machines, four jade cutting machines, 30 tons of jade pieces, 14 dumpers, two water trucks and five backhoes in Sapot Village in Seikmu Village Tract in Hpakant Township in Kachin State were also confiscated.

All confiscated moveable and immoveable properties worth MMK 11,849.9 million of Ko Kyaw Thura, the owner of Myanmar Thura Gems Company, were impounded.

According to the confession of Ko Kyaw Thura, other jade company owners are also involved in providing financial support to the PDF and effective action will be taken against them in accordance with the existing law.