CNI News

22 March 2025

It could not be convenient for the State Administration Council if it held dialogues with ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) under a single title, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategy Studies, U Thein Tun Oo told CNI New. 

The political goal of the National Unity Government (NUG/PDF) is different from that of EAOs.

Although it was possible if a dialogue was held under the title of ceasefire, follow-up negotiations could be more complicated, said U Thein Tun Oo.

While seeing leaders of armed organizations and the SAC Chairman

"What title will we discuss under? Shall we discuss under the title of peace? If you look at what are happening currently, the reason why the NUG and PDFs have arisen is that they believe the Myanmar Tatmadaw has unjustly maintained power. But the political goal of EAOs is different from that of the NUG/PDFs. Under what title they will discuss depends on the attitude  of organizations concerned. In fact, although it is possible if they discuss under the title of ceasefire, follow-up negotiations could be more complicated. Because the goals of each organization are different from those of other organizations, separate discussions will be needed, I think." he said.

According to the 2008 constitution, the SAC could solve Myanmar's political problem through holding elections and at the same time, it could use the dialogue as well, some considered.

While seeing the NUG-PDF

While there were instabilities in the entire country, dialogues and peace talks were just few, spokesperson of the 7 EAO Alliance, Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt told CNI News.

" For the time being, the war framework is too spacious and the political framework is too narrow. While there are instabilities in the entire country, political dialogues and peace talks are just few." he said.

After the Myanmar Tatmadaw took power in 2021, armed conflicts have expanded more. And then,  in 2023 and 2024, territorial dominance of EAOs became bigger.

The SAC Chairman reportedly has planned to hold elections in December 2025 or January 2026.

While there were instabilities across the country, if elections were held, elections could be held in one third of all the townships only, pointed out political commentators.