CNI News

28 October 2024

Exporting goods through the Myla-Tarlog Gate, eastern Shan State to Myanmar including foodstuff, electric products, construction materials and consumer goods has been banned by China. 

Exporting and importing through the gate have been banned by China since 21st October. 

However, importing was re-allowed on 24th October and importing still has been banned. 

Myanmar trucks that arrived in China were allowed to re-enter Myanmar empty-handed, Ko Aung Zin Naing, a truck driver, told CNI News.

While seeing the Tarlog Border Trade Gate

" Both importing and exporting have been banned on 21st October. But on 23rd October, Myanmar trucks, carrying cotton, rice, onion and so on were allowed to enter China. Up to now, Myanmar trucks with goods haven't been allowed to leave China, but empty Myanmar trucks are allowed." he said.

Because border trades have been suspended at the 105 Mile Trade Zone, Man Wein Gate, Chin Shwe Haw Gate and so on in northern Shan State, Myla border trade only is mainly dependable for the border trade. 

However, accepting only imports and not allowing exports might be political; moreover, income of EAOs in the border areas could be hurt, pointed out political analysts.

While the NDAA that has controlled Myla was hoisting its flag

Because the EAOs were mainly depending on the commodities imported from the border trade with China, that China has limited imports might conduct to cease armed conflict, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategy Studies, U Thein Tun Oo told CNI News.

" Foodstuff, medical products and consumer goods imported through border trade firstly arrive in border areas after which the goods come to the mainland. Because Myanmar armed groups near the border on the Myanmar side are taking part in armed conflicts, banning like seems to make armed groups in the border cease armed conflicts." he said.

The Myla-Tarlog border trade gate is being used to import electric and electronic products, medical products, consumer goods, construction materials and foodstuffs from China and export agricultural products from Myanmar.