CNI News

26 October 2024

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council will go to China in November to come and his trip might be to ask China to help Myanmar from all aspects, said economic commentators.

In negotiating and discussing in order to receive assistants from China, in exchange for that, China might demand some things from Myanmar, they pointed out.

China might demand Myanmar its One Belt One Road Project to implement and if the project was implemented, advantages and disadvantages could emerge depending on handling it, an economic commentator told CNI News.

During Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing's trip to China in 2019, while he was meeting with Chinese President Xi Jingping

" Now, at any rate, Bangladesh can't support China. So, to have an exit to the Indian Ocean for China, there is no other country except for Myanmar. So, China will demand it, I think. The project has both advantages and disadvantages. How much advantages will our leaders be able to take?. How many opportunities can be opened for our citizens? If the road is opened, it will be very convenient for transportation. If there are stabilities and we can do business in our country, the project will be beneficial to our people. We will be able to collect tax from those who use the road. But, Sri Lanka built a port, borrowing money from China. But Sri Lanka was not able to pay the debt. After all, the port had to be handed over to China for 90 years. So, we can also face the situation Sri Lanka did. It depends a lot on the qualification of the leader of the country." he said.

The SAC chairman's trip to China might be for the borrowing money from China in addition to the military and political cases, said economic commentators.

Because there are a lot of Chinese interests in Myanmar, China has obviously supported the SAC; based on profits, China might lend Myanmar, Ko Zaw Min Naing, an economic advisor, told CNI News.

While the One Belt One Road track is being seen

" It's an open secret. there are Chinese gas pipeline and Silk Road projects in Myanmar. As a matter of fact, as there are a lot of profits of China in Myanmar, China is supporting the SAC almost openly. What Myanmar will make it up for, there is Silk Road China is trying to implement. And there are gas pipeline and the route  that will go to ocean through Kyauk Phyu Deep Sea Port. Next, there will railways or roads coming from Kunming, Yunnan. Depending these projects, China can give incentives to Myanmar, offering how much billion dollars it will lend." he said.

It was not deniable that China has influence on Myanmar to an extent, pointed out economic and political analysts.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC went to Russia three times and in 2022, he met with Russian President Putin. 

So, the SAC chairman's trip to China will be his second one to a powerful country and it was reportedly arranged since Chinese FM Wang Yi came to Myanmar in August.