CNI News

14 October 2024

Some elements from the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) have formed the PNLO-NCA/S as a National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) signatory under the leadership of Col. Khun Okkar, which the organization released today dated 9th October.

The PNLO signed the NCA with seven other EAOs on 15th October 2015. With the political changes after 1st February 2021, the PNLO was split into two groups and one is led by Col. Khun Okkar and the other is led by Col. Khun Thurein (current chairman).

The group led by Khun Thurein will stand with the Spring Revolution that is fighting against the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the group led by Col. Khun Okkar will go on walking on the NCA path.

While seeing the statement released by Col. Khun Okkar

For the sake of peace, development and security of the Pa-O nationalities, the leading patron could take the responsibility as the chairman in a state of emergency and would form the PNLO-NCA/S in accordance with the constitution of the PNLO and will go on walking on the NCA path, said in the statement on which Col. Khun Okkar has signed.

In the leading team of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar will serve as the chairman and Major Khun Min Thein, as the general secretary and Nan Yin Yin Soe, as the associate general secretary.