CNI News

14 October 2024

There are discussions among military, political and economic analysts whether a general election that will be held by the SAC in 2025 can emerge surely. 

They were discussing the effects that would emerge if the election could be held and the consequences that would emerge if the election could not be held. 

Among the pieces of information leaked out from the meeting of the Chinese Special Envoy Mr. Deng Xijun and deputy chairman of the UWSA, as attitudes regarding the election were included as well, questions whether it was likely to hold the election surely have emerged.

Although the election could surely emerge, if a reasonable political situation could not be created, the election could not be widely held, leading patron of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.

" In my opinion, the election can be surely held. How widely it can be held depends on our political situation. So, it's necessary to create a good political situation or the election can't be widely held. If political agreement that has been reached by 75 or 80 percent in advance among the SAC, EAOs and opposition elements before the election, the election can be more successfully held." he said.

While the Union Election Commission was meeting with political parties

If a new government came to power after the election, negotiations would be carried out with EAOs, said some people. Moreover, the new government would have to carry out the reconstruction tasks in the regions where battles broke out. 

And then, the new government would have to lead the country's economy. However, if the new government was not able to carry out the tasks successfully, a difficult period would be passed, U Aung Pyae Sone, a businessman, told CNI News.

" In leading the economy, if the new government was able to manage to make the ASEAN countries, European countries, Russia and China come and invest in Myanmar. The job opportunities could emerge and the economy could recover. Otherwise, we'll have to face a difficult period." he said.

While the Chinese FM Wang Yi and Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing were meeting

If the election could not held in 2025, battles would go on breaking out, just holding the election was an exit for the country, pointed out military, political and economic analysts.

The census-taking has being conducted in the entire nation from 1st to 15th October and if vote lists were made, a general election would be held in 2025 after which the State power would be handed over to the winning party, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

China would help the election and wanted to make all the stakeholders participate in the election, said the Chinese FM Wang Yi during his meeting with Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing on 14th August 2024.