CNI News

10 September 2024

Malaysian businessmen and agencies have demanded the Malaysian Immigration to re-open the RTK 2.0 (RTK 2.0 stands for the Labour Recalibration Programme 2.0, a program in Malaysia that allows employers to legally employ foreign workers) Myanmar people in Malaysia told CNI News. 

It is the second time to demand because anything was not responded to the first demand; however, the immigration department has not responded anything yet, U Barbu Gyi, who helps to solve the issues of Myanmar citizens, told CNI News.

" RTK has the limited population. Because the department thought that the number of workers has been enough in the list released, the RTK 2.0 had been closed, I think. The number of workers has been limited since the start of RTK 2.0. But everyone can register in the RTK 2.0. And then, those who had broken the law are rejected. Since the start of RTK 2.0, the number of foreign workers had been released to apply in a company or a factory. But Myanmar agents accept every one who wants to apply. So, the number of workers rejected was so many ones." he said.

Although the Malaysian authorities has not responded anything to second time demand, brokers and agents have started working. So, Myanmar workers should inquire before applying for the RTK 2.0, suggested Myanmar people in Malaysia. 

While seeing a Malaysian immigration office

Moreover, because the Malaysian citizens complained, foreign migrant workers were arrested and documented workers only were hired. 

So, foreign workers faced scarcity of jobs. However, because the Malaysian citizens did not work pretty well, foreign workers had to be hired again. So, it is a bit convenient for foreign workers to get jobs, U Aung, chairman of Yadana Sekka Funeral Service, told CNI News.

" I've heard the authorities are discussing. But they haven't released an announcement. It was very difficult for foreign workers from February to June this year. But after July, it was convenient again because many foreign workers had gone back to their native countries. Moreover, the Malaysian citizens were able to work for a few months. So, foreign workers got the jobs the Malaysian citizens didn't want to. The Malaysian government took action in accordance with the demand of the Malaysian people. But the Malaysian people couldn't work effectively. So, foreign workers had to be hired again. The Malaysian PM Anwar seems to tell his citizens so. Later, the Malaysian citizens have complained just a little." he said.

When a passport is applied in Malaysia at present, it has reportedly been costlier than before. Moreover, because those who want to go abroad have been restricted, there has been an increase in the number of workers who enter Malaysia from Thailand.