CNI News

6 September 2024

Restriction of people at the border gates could benefit the illegal market more and prices could rise, those who help in the issues of migrant workers and philanthropic associations told CNI News.

Not only were those who would go abroad by flight restricted, if those who would go abroad through border gates were also restricted, more people would lead to illegal channel;  restriction like that was not an answer, In charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development (FED), U Min Oo told CNI News.

" It's not an answer at all. It's because of a wrong management. Without considering the situations taking place in other countries, because restrictions are conducted, the people are suffering difficulties. The people are pushed towards illegal channels. Those who would go abroad with PJ and PV were gradually tightened to leave only if they had OWIC and smart cards. And then, they are left with border pass alone. If this is restricted, people will leave the country through illegal channels. If that's so, brokerages will go up by double or three times." he said.

At a Myawaddy border gate, a Thai-Myanmar border gate, the Myanmar side has allowed border pass book holders and MoU workers only to pass and PV holders have been banned, according to local philanthropic associations.

Moreover, those who will enter Thailand with a border pass have to guarantee that they will come back, an official from Alinthit philanthropic association told CNI News.

While seeing a Myanmar-Thailand border gate

" As the border pass has allowed people to stay in Thailand, border pass holders can enter and exit regularly. Those who have PVs and passports have been banned from leaving the country. Border pass holders must guarantee that they will come back. For example, if they go by car, the car owner has to guarantee that the passengers will come back to Myanmar." he said.

The news came out that men between 18 and 35 who have held border pass books had been banned from leaving the country at Kawthaung-Ranong border gate for a few days. But they can go and come regularly now.

Although CNI News contacted the immigration office by phone to know more about it, it was not able to get in touch with the office. Restriction of border gates can make those who will go on business or for medical treatment more difficult, pointed out people.