CNI News

4 September 2024

Political and military analysts are reviewing in relation to how the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) would respond China that warned it to stop fighting. 

The Ruili City State Security Committee sent the TNLA a warning letter in which the committee warmed the TNLA to stop fighting immediately and to maintain the peace and stability in northern Shan State and the China-Myanmar border areas on 29th August 2024.

The TNLA must guarantee the securities relating to civilians in the China-Myanmar border areas and businesses of Chinese citizens in Myanmar; the TNLA carry out to end military activities that can damage the peace and stability of the Chinese border as well as the properties and lives of Chinese citizens. 

Otherwise, the TNLA must be responsible for all the consequences, said in the letter.

The TNLA is taking part in the Shan-Man operation and the battles won't stop, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" Generally speaking, the TNLA won't talk back, but it will continue. It won't conduct fighting around and in Muse. But it is fighting around Pyin Oo Lwin. And it is participating in Operation Shan-Man. It will go on what it should do, I think." he said.

While seeing the letter sent by China to the TNLA

The National Unity Consultant Council (NUCC) condemned the rude threat on the TNLA and the revolution of the Myanmar people, released the announcement by the NUCC on 31st August 2024.

The TNLA wouldn't be able to go on fighting without the China's help. So, the TNLA must comply with the China's warning, said a political commentator.

" The TNLA can't build a powerful military strength without the China's support with its population. China told the TNLA that it has received the territories it should get. Don't go on fighting. That is, for  the self-administration. China told the TNLA that China would demand more than the current area for the TNLA. But don't try to damage Myanmar. China would say so. The TNLA will comply with the China's warning." he said.

Because of the China's mediation, although the ceasefire was conducted between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood, battles resumed between the two sides in the end of June.

And then, battles spread until Mogok, Madaya, Sintku and Thabeikkyin in Mandalay Region including northern Shan State. Currently, battles are breaking out in Nawnghkio, Kyaukme and Thibaw in northern Shan State.