CNI News

4 September 2024

It is difficult to sell highway bus tickets to the Rakhine and Shan State locals, according to highway bus lines. 

If the passengers from Shan and Rakhine States were carried on the bus, because they were questioned more and the trip was delayed, it was difficult to sell them, said an official from a Yangon-Meiktila-Mandalay bus line.

" If locals from Rakhine, Shan States and Sagaing Region are on the bus, the trip is delayed. If the locals from Rakhine State are on the bus, it gets worse. It's not convenient. If the young men are on the bus, it gets worse." he said.

If the passengers who have held UID cards were on the bus, it reportedly would be more convenient. 

At present, it is convenient for older people to travel and youths are mainly checked, according to highway bus lines. 

The roads to Rakhine and Shan State have been closed, said the bus lines.

However, the Information Team of the SAC has answered to media that all ethnic groups could travel with no one being restricted.

Regarding the news was coming out of directions so as not to sell Palaung, Kokang and Wa nationalities holding 13 stroke (Shan State) national registration cards at the highway bus terminals, information team answered that.

Checks and verifications were being mainly conducted in the border areas related to online scams or Zha Pian, which was included in the answer.