CNI News

31 July 2024

The Chinese side told them that China is the country that wanted most to make Myanmar peaceful, Dr-Aye Maung, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP), who returned from China. Armed conflicts were adversely affecting China as well and China was helping for the peace of Myanmar, he added.

" China explained three main points to us. First, they told us that the country that wants most to make Myanmar peaceful is China. Myanmar's conflict adversely affect China as well because Myanmar is its neighboring country. It helped for the peace process in the past. Now it's helping. Next, the Chinese people suffer online gambling and online scams in Myanmar most. Some Myanmar elements accuse China of being behind Operation-1027 waged by the Three Brotherhood Alliance. The Chinese government explained that it had nothing to do with the operation. If there were problems with narcotic drug, armed conflict and online scams on the Chinese side, the perpetrators would be identified and arrested by the Chinese government. If there were these problems on the Myanmar side, the Myanmar government would need to do so, that they said." he said.

At the China's invitation, the four Myanmar political parties that were registered - the AFP, the People's Party (PP), the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and the Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) went to China from 20th to 27th July.

While seeing Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing and the Chinese Special Envoy Mr.Deng Xijun

While the armed conflict was taking place between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance (AA,TNLA,MNDAA) in north Shan State in October, 2023, because of the China's mediation, the Haigen Agreement was reached and the two sides ceased fire. 

However, battles resumed between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood in Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, Momeik,and Lashio, northern Shan State as well as in Mogok, Madaya and Sintku Townships starting from 25th June this year.

There are a lot of the Chinese investments in Myanmar and the current conflict was adversely affecting the Chinese interests, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing the MNDAA that is attacking Lashio City

" It is absolutely possible. China is doing business. When doing business, the country needs to be stable. So, it possibly wants to make Myanmar stable. But, successive Myanmar rulers have not been up to standard, China has been dealing with Myanmar, playing by ear. And then, the Chinese companies arose. When the companies When they get help from the government, they have to pay the government. The Chinese government's policy regarding Myanmar is that they have thanked Myanmar since five principles of peaceful coexistence was laid down in Bandung and Myanmar recognized China earlier. So, they want Myanmar to be peaceful, that is possible." he said.

Among the foreign investments, China is the most investment including the Myitsone Project, Kyauk Phyu SEZ and the Kyauk Phyu Deep Water Port Construction. At present, because of battles, the border trades have stopped.