CNI News

30 July 2024

Although the Myanmar Embassy has stated that Myanmar government employees who have already arrived in Thailand could apply for the cancellation of the blacklist, it was necessary to announce how the arrangements have been made for them, those working on the affairs of migrant workers told CNI News.

Because those who wanted to apply would have to apply at the Myanmar Embassy only, it was difficult for them. 

However, most of the employees would not apply for the cancellation of the blacklist, U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development (FED) told CNI News.

" There are many people who don't know whether they are blacklisted or not. It's difficult for those who have already arrived in distant townships because they have to go to the embassy to apply. It depends on the perception of the majority. And it also depends on their role in the anti-government activities. But I don't think the majority will apply. Moreover, it depends on what arrangements have been made in order to make the applicants convenient." he said.

According to the statement released by the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok, government employees are applying for the cancellation of the blacklist. 

While seeing those who urge to join in the CDM

Those who want to apply have to write a letter that has described the reason why they deserted their workplaces and together with the letter, they have to submit their photos taken during the past six months, addresses, passports and national verification cards as well as other documents they want to add in person or through post office.

Because the Myanmar authorities did not match words with work, former Myanmar government employees in Thailand didn't believe in asking them to apply, U Aung Kyaw from  the Labor Rights Foundation (LRF) told CNI News.

" I consider this to be a trick. I find the former government employees don't believe it because the Myanmar authorities never match words with work. The Myanmar government tries to reduce international pressure, I think. Most former government employees here in Thailand are youths. In 1988, youths were cheated. But as new generation knows the current global events every minute, no one believes it." he said.

In the following of political changes in 2021, so many Myanmar people including CDM government employees fled to Thailand.

Most of those who fled made evidence cards issued by the Thai government and are working in Thailand.