CNI News

26 July  2024

Political and military analysts are reviewing how the military situation is going in northern Shan State where battles are severely breaking out. 

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) reported that it had captured the Northeastern Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Lashio City, northern Shan State at 4:00 am on 25th July.

However, Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the Information Team of the State Administration Council, denied the report. 

" It's not correct. Because the insurgents have infiltrated into the suburbs of Lashio, the Tatmadaw troops are chasing and fighting against them." he said. 

At present, there are reportedly heavy weapon firing, air strike and attacks between the two sides within Lashio City.

While seeing the Myanmar Tatmadaw

Although the MNDAA has announced that it would cease fire until the end of July, battles would continue to be breaking out, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" Due to China's pressure, it's been limited for the MNDAA to attack Lashio in full force. But the fighting between the MNDAA troops surrounding Lashio and the Myanmar Army, as well as between the TNL forces in NawngHkio and the Myanmar Army will continue. The battles in Myanmar might be more severe." he said.

The battles broke out again between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State on 25th June and the battles are breaking out between the two sides in Lashio, Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, Mogok, Madaya and Sintku.

The fighting has been quiet for 3 days in Kyaukme where battles have severely broken out; There are shootings with heavy weapons and 90 percent residents of Kyaukme have fled to safety, a resident of Kyaukme told CNI News.

While seeing the MNDAA force

" Battles haven't broken out for three days in Kyaukme. There are shootings with heavy weapons from the 501 and 592 battalions outside the town. There were no battles inside the town until yesterday (24th July). I still don't know the situation this morning (25th July)." he said.

The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) has reported that the TNLA and joint forces have captured Nawnghkio, Sintku and Mogok towns during the second wave of Operation-1027. However, the SAC hasn't reported anything about that.

China is putting great pressure on the MNDAA and the TNLA to stop fighting. If the TNLA and the MNDAA didn't stop fighting, China would provide effective weapons assistance to the Myanmar Army and leaders of the TNLA and the MNDAA would be taken action against. 

So, the battles might stop at the end of July and the TNLA and the MNDAA might be fighting to get more territories as much as they could, said a person close to the northern ally group.