CNI News

26 July 2024

The former Chairperson of the Karen National Union (KNU) Naw Zipporah Sein passed away somewhere on the Thai-Myanmar border, according to those close to her. 

Naw Zipporah Sein was daughter of former Chairman of the KNU Tamalabaw and she was born in Karen State in 1955.

While seeing Naw Zipporah Sein (Irrawaddy)

She worked as a school teacher until 1995 and served as the general secretary of the Karen Women Union that helps the Karen women refugees from 1988 to 2008.

She was elected as Vice Chairperson of the KNU in 2012 and took part in the peace process. She was known as a hardliner within the KNU and was obviously quite suspicious of the Myanmar Tatmadaw, said the people who participated in the peace process.