CNI News

10 July 2024

There are reviews among political and economic circles regarding whether the trade that has stopped and stability could be revived through the visit of Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win, vice chairman of the State Administration Council to China, who attended the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Vice chairman of the SAC Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win met and discussed with Ms.Shen Yueyuethe, President of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on 7th July 2024.

During the meeting of the two delegations, the conditions the are being carried out in order to improve the relationship of relatives (Sino-Myanmar relationship) based on the five principles of peaceful coexistence, partner relation between the two countries and improvement of all round strategic cooperation were discussed.

Because armed groups attacked Lashio, northern Shan State, while seeing a very long convoy of locals who fled to safety

The stability of the border areas of the two countries, cooperation for the full security of projects, illegal border crossing, elimination of online gambling and anti-drug activities were discussed in the meeting reportedly.

Because the TNLA and the MNDAA are attacking the Myanmar Tatmadaw in northern Shan State at present, the border trade with China has stopped.

Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win's visit to China was to attend the meeting of the SCO and could not impact on the battles in northern Shan State so much, a political commentator told CNI News.

" Because Myanmar is a member of the SCO, U Thein Sein went and attended the meeting. He and Chinese top officials spoke in a diplomatic manner. There was nothing more than that. It's difficult to reach agreements because there is no Hluttaw. There is nobody to approve." he said.

While seeing Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win and Ms.Yueyue on  7th July 2024

Myanmar's instability benefited China, U Li Paw Reh, chairman of the Lisu National Development Party (Dulei Party), told CNI News. 

" When Myanmar is unstable, China can take advantage of getting mineral and natural resources from Myanmar. China can extract Myanmar timber by car a lot. During the rule of law, they can't do so." he said.

Because of armed conflict in northern Shan State, it was impossible to resume the border trade with China, said a border trade entrepreneur.

Due to armed conflicts breaking out along the China-Myanmar border, the border trade has stopped and most locals are fleeing to safety.