CNI News

2 July 2024

Because there had been a sharp increase in the number of people who went abroad, the shortage of farm workers was getting worse, the people who are doing business of agricultural industry told CNI News. 

Although the shortage of farm workers was since before; youths wanted to earn a lot of income by going abroad to work rather than working on farms, U Aung Thein Hla, a farmer, told CNI News.

"Farm workers are now scarcer. When we were young, those who works on the farm were youths and middle-aged men. But now men at the about 60 years of age can be found on the farms. Most of the people who went abroad found it difficult for their livelihood.
 Moreover, even children of farm owners are not interested in working on the farms and then they also went abroad as well. Some people who went abroad are convenient, but others, not." he said.

In reaping the paddy, because of higher price of fuel, when the workers are hired to harvest, due to the shortage of workers, there were a lot of wastage of paddy, he added.

Because of low wages and hard work on the farms since before, youths and young men were not interested in the work. So, the shortage of workers has been taking place.

While paddy is being transplanted

Moreover, among industries facing labor shortages, agricultural industry is facing the worst situation. As a result of labor shortage, productivity has declined, Ko Zaw Min Naing, an agricultural and economic advisor, told CNI News.

" We are facing labor shortage - both white collars and blue collars. The agricultural sector has faced labor shortage since before. But at present, it's facing the worst situation. It's necessary to find a solution why the labor shortage is taking place. Is it because the policy has been tightened? Policy makers need to make a decision to tackle the problem." he said.

While there has been labor shortage, because battles are breaking out in some regions and states, agricultural industry is being mainly conducted in Ayeyarwady, Bago Regions and around Naypyidaw reportedly.

Moreover, because of higher prices of fuel and inputs as well as difficult transportation in some regions, commodity prices are also going up.