CNI News

2 July 2024

Some IDPs from Loikaw couldn't still go home because of the battles that broke out in Loikaw, a Loikaw IDP told CNI News.

Residents could live in some parts of Loikaw City and it was unlikely for some residents to go home because their houses were burnt down or destroyed, he added.

"I haven't gone back to Loikaw for seven months. I can't go home because my house was burnt down. Some residents can go home because their houses were not destroyed. I have no plan to go back up to now. I'll consider to go home one day when everyone can live peacefully." said a Loikaw IDP.

While seeing the KNDF Force

After Karenni revolutionary forces launched Operation-1111 on 11th November 2023, battles severely broke out in Loikaw and residents of the city had to flee to safety.

The operation contains the Karenni Army (KA), the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), the Karenni National People's Liberation Front (KNPLF), the Demoso People's Defense Force (DMO-PDF), the Loikaw People's Defense Force (Loikaw-PDF), the Mobye People's Defense Force, the Battalion-1006 of Pekon People's Defense Force and southern Shan State People's Defense Force.

And then those who avoided battles fled to southern Shan State and some IDPs had gone back home reportedly. 

In order that administrative mechanisms could be functioned again in Loikaw, the State Administration Council (SAC) has instructed its staff to come back to the city in August. 

Moreover, the SAC has instructed the Taunggyi-Loikaw passenger bus lines to resume their operation starting from 1st July, 2024 reportedly.

While the Kayah State Government is checking for the security of Loikaw City and has carried out for the resettlement

" I don't go back home because we can't get in touch with the other side (people in Loikaw) by phone. So, I don't know whether the situation there is good or not." said a Loikaw IDP.

Either of the two sides has not be able to capture Loikaw City up to now and battles are breaking out every so often, according to locals. Nearly 40,000 residents of Loikaw had to move to Pinlaung, Sesai, Nyaung Shwe and Taunggyi in southern Shan State.

The SAC stated on 15th June, 2024 that things had been back to normal in Loikaw and arrangements were being made to resettle IDPs. However, some residents are finding it difficult to go home because they are worried for their security.