CNI News

17 June 2024

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has not received the instruction regarding the demand of TNLA to intervene and solve the growing problem between the KIA and the Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA), Col. Nawbu, information officer of the KIA told CNI News. 

A letter requesting the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC) to intervene and resolve the territorial and administrative disputes between the KIA and the TNLA arose.

There has been no instruction from the above about it and they still didn't know it as well, said Col. Nawbu. 

" Our information department hasn't received any instruction from the above. I don't know whether the letter has reached the members of our central committee or they negotiated and discussed with their counterparts. We haven't instructed yet." he said.

While seeing the TNLA and two comrades of the TNLA

The KIA was hindering the Baw Ho Kyant mining activities in Uilaw-Mong Baw region under the management of the TNLA, administrative activities in Mangtong, Namtu and Kutkai regions and trying to operate education and health services for the general public, said in the letter of the TNLA.

Because of the actions of the KIA, several engagements between the KIA troops and the TNLA troops were taking place on the ground, the situation that was difficult to control reached. 

So, the TNLA requested the FPNCC to intervene and resolve the problems between the two sides, said in the letter sent by the TNLA to the FPNCC.

The FPNCC contains the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the United Wa State Army (UWSA), the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP), the TNLA, the KIA, the Arakan Army (AA) and the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA).

While seeing two comrades of the TNLA

Although CNI News contacted the TNLA by phone about it, it made no answer. However, the problems had been resolved through political discussions with its ally EAOs and other armed organizations, Lwe Ye Oo, information officer of the TNLA, told CNI News by the end of May.

they have to find a solution through negotiation to avoid conflict, U Aye Maung from the Ta'ang National Party (TNP) told CNI News.

" In my opinion, to find a solution through negotiation is the best to avoid the conflict. As a member of the Hluttaw, I don't want to talk about it thoroughly. We, politicians don't want to comment about military affairs." he said.

The TNLA has captured Mangtong, Nansang, Namkham, Namtu, Kutkai, Mong Ngor and Mong Long Towns after Operation-1027 launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State and is establishing administration.

Territorial and administrative disputes arose widely among armed organizations that are active in northern Shan State and engagements are taking place among them.

The MNDAA, the TNLA, the KIA, the AA, the SSPP, UWSA, the PDFs, militia, the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the border guard force are active in northern Shan State.