CNI News

17 June 2024

Green Season Promotions that can save 20 to 30 percent are being conducted  in areas with low rainfall to make more and more foreign tourists enter Bagan and Mandalay region reportedly. 

July and August during the rainy season are the summer holiday of European countries when families usually travel. 

Although foreign tourists tend to enter Myanmar during the rainy season, currently, tourist arrivals are low. Although promotions were being conducted, it was difficult for several hotels, U Thet Lwin Toe, managing director of the Myanmar Voyages International Tourism, told CNI News.

" It is called Green Tourism. But what is the target market? Although you give a discount, you have to buy fuel. If you have bought generators for electricity, it won't be convenient for you. Because the Myanmar kyat is also inflated, it's very difficult. How many hotels that's been opened are there? Only after reviewing it, should they promote tourism. If I have to review, the situation is still not good this year." he said. 

While seeing pilgrims who have arrived in Bagan

The rainy season is a period of low tourist arrivals to Myanmar. The promotion is conducted to make more and more tourists enter Mandalay and Bagan regions in the central region of Myanmar with low rainfall reportedly.

As an air travel, the flight to the Bagan region was just twice a week and some more flights were needed, said tourism service operators said. 

Moreover, the hotels that have been closed since 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic and then political changes have been closed up to now, Ko Kyaw Swar Lin, a hotel and tourism operator from Bagan-Nyaung U, told CNI News.

While seeing a guide sign in the Bagan region

" Expensive large hotels that target foreigners have been closed since before the Covid-19 pandemic. It's still not convenient to open them now. Normally, it's convenient for reasonably priced hotels and the most lowly priced hotels." he said.

Because now is the time when there has been a decrease in the number of tourists who come to the Bagan region, cars, motorcycles and pony carts there are giving discounts to the tourists reportedly.