CNI News

25 May 2024

There are concerns among political and military observers regarding what caould happen next after the discussion between the State Administration Council (SAC) and the Arakan Army (AA) did not go well.

The attitude of the AA that means the AA would continue to move for the liberation of Rakhine State and the Spring Revolution could be found out and so the discussion was broken, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" To the best of my knowledge, Chin urged the AA to end the war. But the AA has maintained the attitude that it will continue to conduct the movements for the liberation of Rakhine State and the Spring Revolution. Under this situation, the discussion was broken, I heard. The entire Rakhine State is going to be in the hands of the AA. But the military council has prepared defense in Sittwe and kept control of its West Command. In the situation like that, the military council tried to reach a ceasefire agreement with the AA with the help of China. And China wants to help the military council. After the ceasefire, the military council reinforce its military strength and will re-capture the entire Rakhine State. That's just its daydream project." he said.

While seeing a junction in Rakhine State

The peace delegation of the SAC and the Three Brotherhood Alliance (AA,TNLA,MNDAA) met and discussed peace in Kunming, China on 14th and 15th May and separate meeting between the SAC and the AA was broken, according to news media.

The AA said that the AA only must be in Rakhine State as an armed group and the Myanmar Tatmadaw must leave Rakhine State and the SAC discussed 'Our Three Main Causes' after which the peace talk was broken reportedly.

 It was impossible for the Myanmar Tatmadaw to leave Rakhine State and because the discussion was broken, the situation could end with bloodshed, a politician told CNI News.

While seeing the AA Force

" The Tatmadaw is an organization that represents the sovereignty of the entire Myanmar. Whether it is said just or unjust, it won't give in easily. Its leadership might be poor. According to the constitution, the Tatmadaw is responsible, but at the same time, the Tatmadaw has no rights to discuss that. Do the people in the southern part of Rakhine State all accept the AA. Let's say that all the Rakhine people in the places where the NLD won don't accept the AA. There may be many Rakhine people who support the AA, but not majority. So, the AA is demanding something impossible like Saw Ba U Gyi,former leader of the KNU, did. Saw Ba U Gyi demanded then-government to add Yangon, Bago, Tanintharyi and Ayeyarwady Regions to Karen State. Because he demanded something impossible, the situation ended with bloodshed." he said.

The AA stated on 18th May that it had captured all the military camps of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Buthidaung Township. At present, the AA has seized control of Pauktaw, Minbya, Kyauktaw, Mrauk U, Myebon, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Ranbye and Buthidaung Townships in Rakhine State as well as Paletwa Township in Chin State.