CNI News
25 May 2024

Most poultry farming industries have been suspended because the prices of chicken feed and chick are getting higher reportedly.


Not only do many chickens die of hot weather, the prices of chicken and egg  that poultry farms have to sell also don't get higher although these prices are getting higher at the market.


So, poultry farming operators are facing loss.

At present, those who have enough capital and companies only are conducting poultry farming while there have been a decrease in the number of people who conduct poultry farming on a small scale. Compared to the past, there are only 20 percent of entrepreneurs doing business of livestock left, Ko Kyaw Soe Moe, owner of Kaung Khit Poultry Farm, told CNI News.

" The prices of chicken feed, medicine and chick become higher. The price of medicine is getting about five times higher than before. The price of chicken feed is over 70,000 kyats per bag for egg chicken and 97,000 kyats per bag for broiler. But poultry farm owners don't get higher prices when they sell eggs and chicken at the farms. So, they make a loss. The price of broiler is about 9,000 kyats per viss at the farm but at the market its price is 15,000 kyats. So, there have been a sharp increase in the number of poultry farm owners. Only those who have enough capital and companies go on doing business of poultry farming. There are only 20 percent who conduct poultry farming left among self-employed people in the poultry farming industry." he said.


The price of a chick of egg chicken was 800 kyats last year, but now it's been 2,400 kyats and the price of a chick of broiler has been 1,500 kyats reportedly. Because the prices of chicken feed, medicine and chick are getting higher, the cost for poultry farming has become three times higher.

Although he was able to raise chickens by the thousand, but now by the hundred only, Ko Pyae Phyo Kyaw, owner of a poultry farming business, told CNI News.

" Because it's very hot this year, many chickens died of hot weather. Moreover, chickens that did not die didn't gain weight. So, owners of chicken farms make a lot of losses when prices are going up. If we raised 3,000 chickens in the past, it's not easy to raise even 1,000 now." he said.

Myanmar's poultry farming industry sector is gradually declining and only when is the production low, the sector will look up again. Moreover, most poultry farms are to stop in the rainy season reportedly.