CNI News

3 May 2024

Battles are taking place between the Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA) and the Chin National Front (CNF/CNA) in Tedim Township, Chin State reportedly.

The battles have been breaking out along the Myanmar-Mizoram State, India Trade Route and near Laithwee Village until today, Puzothang, Eastern Division Director from the ZRA told CNI News.

" They come and fight against us. They invaded our territory. In fact, we have no mind to fight against them. When we had deployed our forces for security in our territory, they came and fought against us. Some of our forces were injured. At the time when I'm speaking now, the battles are breaking out. We can confirm that their two forces were killed and our two forces were injured but not seriously." he said.

It was good to wage the democratic revolution, but fighting to invade others' territory was not good, he added.

While seeing the CNF force

Taking advantage of the period when battles are currently breaking, Chinland Council troops led by the CNF was carrying out military movements to capture the territories that Chin brothers have controlled and if the CNF continued its territorial invasions, unity among the Chin people could disintegrate and lead to bloodshed, six groups of Chin Brothers stated on 1st May, 2024.

Territorial disputes among revolutionary groups in Chin State might weaken the participation of Chin State in the Spring Revolution, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" To tell you the truth, most of territories in Chin State have been dominated by Chin armed groups. It's right. But there are about 14 Chin armed groups in Chin State before they could drive out all of the military council's forces from Chin State. Because there are lots of disagreements and disputes among Chin armed groups, the pace of Chin State's attacks on the military council has declined considerably. Moreover, some Chin groups don't like that the Arakan Army (AA) has captured Paletwa Town, Chin State. Because of the problems that emerged like that, Chin State's participation in the Spring Revolution becomes weak." he said.

Although CNI News contacted Salai Htet Ni, spokesperson of the CNF by phone to know more about fighting in Tedim, it has not been able to get in touch with him. 

While seeing the ZRA force

" In fact, we are all brothers in Chin State. If you stay in your place and join the revolution, as we have expected, the military dictatorship will end. Otherwise, if Chin armed groups are fighting against one another, we couldn't enjoy peace. Every group should try to prevent from further fighting. The CNA should not invade other groups' territories. According to the current policy of ours, we are controlling ourselves. But if they are going to conduct in a racist manner, it can lead to a bad side. They are saying that we are collaborating with the military government on media for the sake of their interests. But they might not success to an extent. Later they have to reap what they sow." he said.

Battles often break out between the ZRA and the CNF/CNA in Chin State. The ZRA is active in Tonzang, Tedim Townships in Chin State as well as  Kalay, Tamu Townships in Sagaing Region, Kabaw valley region and on the India-Myanmar border areas.

The CNF is a Chin EAO that has signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and its headquarters is located in Thangtlang Township. It is active in Hakha, Tedim and Matupi.