CNI news

22 February 2024

Military and political analysts are reviewing and discussing about how spacious territory dominance of the revolutionary forces that are fighting against the Tatmadaw is. 

EAOs and PDFs that are fighting against the Tatmadaw have dominated more than 60 percent of Myanmar's territory, said Daw Zin Mar Aung, Foreign Minister of the National Unity Government (NUG).

She said the above at the International Security Conference held in Munich, Germany from 16th to 18th February 2024.

It was necessary to re-examine the speech on territory dominance and only when a territory could be governed like "Wa", then could it be said that it was territorial dominance, said a political commentator to CNI News.

While seeing the NUG

" According to their opinion, there might be several kinds of territorial dominance. But the meaning of territorial dominance is, for example, like Wa that can systematically rule in its state. Civil administration is also in its hands. It can stand on its own. So, it can dominate its territory. But in a land where both adversaries exist, who can be said to dominate the land? So, I'd like to tell them to re-examine their interpretation." he said to CNI News.

After the Tatmadaw took the State power on 1st February 2021, along with the protest against the Tatmadaw, democratic elements started an armed resistance. At present, battles are breaking out across the country. 

The territorial dominance of the revolutionary forces was the reality and they had dominated urban suburbs and rural areas, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing the Kokang force

" This is the reality that revolutionary forces have been able to dominate the territories especially urban suburbs and rural areas. General speaking, the places in towns the military council troops have not yet occupied, urban suburbs and more rural areas have been dominated by the revolutionary forces. You must say that the Kokang region has been liberated. In the rest of the states and regions, there will definitely be areas dominated by EAOs. But the revolutionary forces have not been able to threat the urban areas." he said.

At present, the battles are breaking out between the Tatmadaw and some EAOs/PDFs joint forces in Karen, Kayah (Karenni), Rakhine, Chin States, Sagaing and Magway Regions.

The revolutionary forces have captured 49 towns among 330 townships in Myanmar after the Operation-1027 was launched on 27th October, 2023 by the Three Brotherhood Alliance (AA,MNDAA and TNLA), they have stated.