CNI News

20 February 2024

If a lot of Myanmar citizens entered Thailand not only legally but illegally because of Myanmar's mandatory military service law, violations of human rights and labor rights might increase, those who are helping migrant workers told CNI News. 

Let alone undocumented Myanmar workers in Thailand, even documented Myanmar workers have suffered from labor rights violation since before, they pointed out.

So, if many Myanmar citizens entered Thailand in various ways, because the rights violations might increase, he worried about undocumented workers, Ko Thargyi who is helping in the affairs of migrant workers, told CNI News.

" Thai is very clever in politics. They give priority to only the matters that they will get money. They only care about their interests. Humanity is found in the news media only. So, Thailand is exploiting our citizens in various ways. If Myanmar citizens sneak into Thailand, they can face more arrests, more extortions and more suppressions in various ways. Even if a worker had a passport, because his employer didn't issue, he had to leave. Wages have been cut unfairly. If an documented worker was arrested, he had to stay for three or four months in the immigration department. He would be sent to the border only if 5,000 to 7,000 bahts had to be paid. Those things happened in successive ages in Thailand." he said.  

When most young people enter other countries in droves, they are often subjected to human rights violations, human trafficking, financial fraud and arrests, said the people who are helping in the affairs of migrant workers.

Myanmar people waiting in line in front of Myanmar Embassy in Thailand

There are more labors than the workplaces need because a lot of Myanmar people including fugitives, IDPs due to political changes after 2021 as well as those who sneaked enter Maesot and Chiangmai where most of Myanmar people stay. 

So, Myanmar citizens could not enjoy fully the job opportunity, U Moe Kyaw, associate general secretary of the Yaung Gyi Oo Workers Association, told CNI News.

" When a large number of people entered the workplaces such as agricultural or factory workplaces, new comers tend to clash with those who were working before. For example, when an employer has agreed with workers to pay 200 bahts as daily wages, new workers offer the employer that they can work if they get 150 bahts a day. Social problems emerge as well. And then, workers brought their children who should have been in school. Because the children under age are found to be in the workplace, undesirable consequences arise." he said.

So many Myanmar young people are trying to go abroad after the mandatory military service law was approved recently. Of them, there are many people who are making preparations to leave for Thailand. The number of people who apply for visa to Thailand are too many, only 400 people would be accepted a day, Thai Embassy in Myanmar has stated.