CNI News

19 February 2024

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) should have announced the rights of ethnic people in Kachin State from now on, U Kyi Myint, a political commentator, told CNI News. 

The KIA should have announced the rights of Shanni nationalities in Kachin State from now on and will have to carry out to enjoy a federal union together, he said.

" I had lived in Kachin State for four years together with Shanni people. We are the same people. We share the same religion and we have the same mindset. There is a strong attachment between us. But we share the same strategy with the KIA. The way the KIA is fighting is not update anymore. Frankly speaking, we have an attachment to Shanni people. After this revolution, if we talk about federal issues, we will tell the KIA for the sake of Shanni people. We should have the opportunity to enjoy the federalism. We want to urge the KIA to make peace with Shanni people. The KIA should have announced the rights of Shanni people from now on. Now that the KIA doesn't guarantee, no wonder that the Shanni people stand together with those who guarantee them." said U Kyi Myint to CNI News.

The Shanni organizations should lay down a strategy that could cooperate with the revolutionary forces, he added.

While seeing the KIA force

" The Shanni groups should not bet on the losing side. They must bet on the winning side. This is for the interests of the country and its nationality. So, they will have to change their strategy and must lay down a strategy that can join the revolutionary forces. If they demand their rights from within the policy frame, the entire Burman people will support them. We also will request relevant organizations." he said.

The KIA should not act in a way that bullies other ethnic groups in Kachin State, said a politician. All ethnic groups in Kachin state must carefully negotiate when building a federal union, U Li Paw Reh, chairman of the Lisu National Development Party (Dulei Party) told CNI News.

" The KIA accept the federalism and join the nationwide ceasefire agreement and then if a federal union is implemented, it will be necessary for all the ethnic groups in Kachin State to negotiate carefully." he said.

While seeing a Shanni nationality (Frontier Myanmar)

Based on the 1947 Panglong Agreement, a federal union must be implemented with the principle of 8 states and the states concerned must be based, U Kun Gawn Awng Kham, a Kachin politician, told CNI News.

" Mainly, it's necessary to implement a federal union based on the eight states. According to the 1947 Panglong Agreement, our union was built. Our union arose. So, based on it, we need to implement a federal union. Because there are 135 indigenous ethnic groups in Myanmar, it's unlikely to form 135 states. If the authorities, rights and self-determinations of the states concerned can be laid down, everyone will have equal rights. For example, in Kachin State, it is necessary to organize on the basis of Kachin people and so in Shan State." he said.

There are five Shan tribes, Naga, Burman, Rakhine, Lisu ethnic groups living in Kachin State including six Kachin tribes.