CNI News
4 January  2024

Conclusions and discussions are widely arisen among the political and diplomatic circles in relation to the question whether Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could be released soon after the Independence Day.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's release depended on a compromise with the State Administration Council, Col.Khun Okka, an EAO leader, told CNI News.

DASSK, leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) who has been detained in Naypyidaw - her release depended on a compromise with the State Administration Council, Col.Khun Okka, an EAO leader, told CNI News.

" A review of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's current situation and her ability to participate, a compromise based on these things has some problems, I think. If the problems were solved, she would be able to participate in the restoration of the country. If the compromise was not convenient, the current position would go on, I think." he said.

DASSK was serving 33 years in prison for 19 cases. However, she was pardoned for five years of amnesty for five cases on 1st August 2023.

So, she still has 27 years to serve in prison. Although they hoped to release her, she might find it difficult to re-enter the Myanmar political world, U Myo Kyaw, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), told CNI News.

" In my opinion, a lot of challenges will be waiting for her if she re-enter the political world. If a very old woman like her re-enter the political world, she will find it difficult at a time like this. Even if she was released, she shouldn't re-enter the political world. If she re-entered the political world, would her policy be consistent with that of the National Unity Government/CRPH? If the problems arose among them, her dignity could be affected, I think." he said.


While seeing the NUG and PDF troops

Pieces of news saying that DASSK could be released after the Independence Day or she could be sent back to house arrest are arising among diplomatic circles local and abroad.

Because of political changes that arose on 1st February 2021, some members of the NLD party including the NLD leaders, DASSK and U Win Myint have been detained.

On the other hand, NLD MPs and those who are demanding democracy are fighting against the Tatmadaw to overthrow the SAC after forming the NUG and the People's Defense Forces.