CNI News

3 January  2024

The statement released by the National Unity Government that it would go on supporting the one China policy would not produce a good result in the diplomatic relations with the democratic countries, pointed out Myanmar politicians.

There have been historically close relations between Myanmar and China, and China is a powerful country which is an important country especially to Myanmar, the NUG stated on 1st January 2024.

" Myanmar and China share a border that is more than 2,000 kilometers long and they are neighboring countries that will have to live together as long as the world exists and Myanmar will build a kinship relation between the two countries. And Myanmar will always strive to stand as a good neighboring country for China and will go on supporting the one China policy." said the NUG.

While seeing the statement released by the NUG

The NUG's announcement that it would continue supporting the one China policy would not produce a good result, U Myo Kyaw, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) told CNI News.

" It doesn't matter if the NUG didn't reveal that at a time like this. Because while we are fighting against the military dictator, our common enemy, democratic countries are standing as our allies. While we are collecting strength from western democratic countries, putting a point in the statement that goes against Taiwan, a friend of these democratic countries as the fourt point won't produce a good result for us, I think." he said.

Moreover, looking forwards to the interest development for the people from the two countries, the Chinese investment and other social economic industries would be protected, said in the statement.

While seeing the NUG's People's Defense Force

Successive Myanmar governments supported the one China policy, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" Successive Myanmar governments supported the one China policy. At present, the State Administration Council supports the one China policy. But the SAC has a trade relations with Taiwan. The trade value is by the US billion dollars like under the NLD government. The US also has recognized the policy that Taiwan is under China. But the US is demanding China to recognize that Taiwan is going with a democratic system. Myanmar doesn't demand like that. But under the current military council, the relation between Myanmar and Taiwan has even increased more." he said.

While the NUG is striving to overthrow the Tatmadaw government, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang Province, China are also trying to liberate their regions.