CNI News

28 December, 2023

Commander in Chief of Defense Services and chairman of the State Administration Council Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing and Director of Joint Operations of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Lt-Gen Jakkapong Janpengpen discussed about ensuring Thai-Myanmar border trade routes secure and smooth on 27th December 2023. 

Moreover, they also discussed promoting cooperation between the two armed forces, making the border area stable and peaceful, ensuring rule of law, anti-narcotic drugs and eradicating online gambling and online scams.

Especially because it was investigated that online gambling and financial scams were being conducted near Myawady, a border town, they discussed about the conditions that the two countries must fight against and the situations to be cooperated by the two countries politically and in terms of security to ensure that border trade is secure and smooth ewportedly.

While seeing Director of Joint Operations of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Lt-Gen Jakkapong Janpengpen and Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing

The battles are often breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the KNU/PDF joint forces along the Maesot-Myawady-Kawkareik Asia Road. Because the KNU/PDF joint forces have controlled the Asia Road, the border trade between the two countries has almost stopped and millions of trading money is being lost.

Because the trade routes have suspended, the prices of basic foods and consumer goods are going up. In the same way, it is difficult to send Myanmar MoU workers to Thailand.