CNI News

28 December 2023

The Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)/ the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) wants to rule Namkham Township like the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA)'s Myla region, Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

 However, most of the people living in Namkham Township are Shan people and  Shan People only would make a decision about it, he added.

" In fact, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) is more power. Shan people are also supporting the RCSS more. Because the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP)
and the TNLA had fought against each other, the SSPP might not accept what the TNLA recruits Shan people. The TNLA has wanted to rule Namkham Township. The TNLA has been given kind of the oppotunity to do so. But Shan people will make a decision about it." said Dr.Aung Myo.

While seeing the entrance to Namkham

Special Region (4) Myla, eastern Shan State, is being ruled by the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA). 

Special Region (4) Myla is made up of Nampang, Silu and Myla regions and in 1989, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) and the NDAA agreed to ceasefire after which the NDAA has been ruling the region.

The TNLA launched an offensive to capture Namkham on 17th November 2023 and it was able to capture Namkham on 19th December 2023, it stated.

The SSPP/SSA has been active in Namkham Township and there might be some territorial disputes between the SSPP and the TNLA. However, the SSPP and the TNLA have been allies for long and there would be no problem about the TNLA's military movements, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing The TNLA  (SPM News)

" The SSPP had territorial disputes with the RCSS. The SSPP and the TNLA have been allies for long. Apart from small engagements, there are no big problems between the TNLA and the SSPP. Later, the SSPP joined the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC)." said U Than Soe Naing.

During the Operation-1027 that was launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance, many locals from many townships including Nakkham, Theinni and Laukkai in northern Shan State fled to safety. 

After capturing Namkham, Mang Ton and Namsang, the TNLA is trying to capture Kyaukme, Naunghkio, Mogok, Kutkai and Namtu.