CNI News
December 25 2023

Although the area that is controlled by the three northern organizations aka Three Brotherhood Alliance - the Arakan Army (AA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in northern Shan State, they still have had no clear governance, said political commentators.

The three northern EAOs have not been able to control Kyaukme, Lashio and Kutkai although they have already controlled 80 percent of northern Shan State, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" 80 percent of the northern Shan State is under the control of the three brotherhood alliance. Although there are military bases of the Tatmadaw in Kyaukme, Lashio and Kutkai, soldiers there just stay inside the compound of the bases. At the other places are troops of the Three Brotherhood Alliance. So, the matter relating to the governance hasn't reached a clear situation. But the region is under the control of the Three Brotherhood Alliance. Important places such as Kyaukme and Lashio probably will be captured gradually by the Three Brotherhood Alliance." said U Than Soe Naing.

After Operation-1027 was launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State on 27th October 2023, the battles broke out between the Tatmadaw and the joint forces of the Three Brotherhood Alliance.


While seeing the MNDAA force

Due to the battles, the China-Myanmar border trade has stopped and most locals have fled to safety.

The three northern groups announced that they had captured Namkham Town a few days ago and currently, they are attacking Laukkai and Mong Ton.

However, it was not right that northern Shan State has been controlled by the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the line of communication only was disconnected, Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing the MNDAA force

" For example, Mong Ton has not been captured. I heard that the Tatmadaw planted mines in time. So, they were unable to climb up. There are still a lot of militias and border guard forces in Laukkai. If the decisive battle was waged, the two sides would suffer. We can't say that the Three Brotherhood Alliance has already controlled the northern Shan State. The line of communication has been disconnected, kind of. We have to wait and see." said Dr.Aung Myo.

The Operation-1027 that was launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance is spreading to Kachin State, Sagaing and Mandalay Regions and the battles are taking place there.

Moreover, the battles are breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Rakhine and Chin States.