CNI News
23 December 2023

The Ministry of Labor has suspended the proposal submitted by overseas employment agencies that will send MoU workers to Thailand through Myawady-Maesot route starting from 19th December, the agencies told CNI News.

Because there are not stabilities on the Yangon-Myawady-Maesot route and workers cannot be sent, presenting to send MoU workers through that route has been suspended and sending through Yangon-Kawthaung- Ranong route has been allowed as usual reportedly.

Yangon-Kawthaung-Ranong route has been just the one sending workers by flight since before and it would cost around for 500,000 kyats for a worker anymore, Daw Myat Hayman Lin, managing director of the Pwint Phu Aung Overseas Employment Agency, told CNI News.

“MoU workers have to pay for the flight. Around 5 lakhs will cost a worker any more. As we have to re-arrange everything from beginning to end, it might be difficult to buy air tickets. Because there are not enough flights, we can't send a lot of workers at a time. We can send 70 workers at most a day." she said.

While seeing Myanmar MoU workers who will go to the Thai side from the Kawthaung-Ranong road

At present, because the New Asia Road cannot be used, Htoh Kaw Koe- Kyaw Khoh has been allowed to go one day up and one day down starting from 18th December. So, some agencies are sending their workers through that road reportedly.

However, large vehicles are not allowed to travel on that road. So, agencies are sending workers by using cars that can hold 15 workers each, according to the Myanmar Overseas Employment Agencies Federation.

However, the period allowed to send workers through Myawady-Maesot route before the 19th December was until January, U Myat Thu, general secretary of the MOEAF, told CNI News.

" There are two batches to enter Thailand. First batch is to enter before the new year and the second, after the new year. More important, we need to send all the workers who have to enter before the new year by the end of this year. If we can't send the workers in time, the employers may substitute other workers. If so, we can get into trouble. We have to be careful." he said.


While seeing MoU Myanmar migrant workers

The battles have been taking place between the Tatmadaw and KNLA/PDF joint forces since 1st December 2023 on the Myawady-Kawkareik New Asia Road, the main channel for the flow of goods between Myanmar and Thailand.

The KNLA/PDF joint forces have controlled the road up to now.

Because the road has not been able to be used for two weeks, the flow of goods between the two countries has almost stopped reportedly.