CNI News

24 November 2023

Myanmar watermelons that were being exported to China through Myla border trade were damaged because it took long on the way, said traders. 

Because watermelon could not exported through Muse, Kyin San Kyawt border trades due to the battles breaking out in northern Shan State, traders have to be exporting through Myla border.

Although it only took about two days when watermelons were exported through Kyin San Kyawt, it took about five days when they were exported through Myla.

So, watermelons were more damaged and two tons to ten tons of watermelons were damaged, a watermelon trader told CNI News.

Trucks loaded with watermelons

" In addition to the delay on the way, the watermelons were more damage because they were planted in the rainy season. If they were grown in the cold season, they would not be damaged loke that. When the watermelons are transported, it takes about five days. It takes about 7 days to reach the sales field. If you exported through Kyin San Kyawt, it would take you one day. It would take two days at most to reach the Chinese side. Shan watermelons were not damaged but only Bamar watermelons. Because Bamar watermelons were grown in the rainy season, they had drunk a lot of water. Watermelons which had drunk a lot of water are perishable. A truck is loaded 16 tons of watermelon and Bamar watermelons are damaged from five to ten tons. Shan watermelons are damaged from two to three tons at most. Watermelons of poor quality and those that cannot be transported long distances are sent to the local market." he said.

More than 100 trucks of watermelons are being exported to China through Myla each day reportedly. 

In terms of value, a truckload of watermelons is 100 to 150 lakh kyats. The cost of renting a truck was 60 lakhs and if the damage arose, they would not get even truck fee, said traders.

Watermelon farmers should cultivate only after weighing all the circumstances, Ko Thitsar, a watermelon farmer from Sagaing Region, told CNI News.

Trucks loaded with watermelons

" A watermelon farmer should have known the watermelon market potential in China. We hope to re-open Muse market. If we have to use Myla border gate only, there will be many losses for us because the journey is far and there are also travel delays. There is an intermediate station on the Myanmar side. We have to wait long to be checked. But apart from long distance, we are safe on the way. If we can export from Muse border route, we can save more than half of the current cost." said Ko Thitsar.

At present, there are not a lot of watermelon trade within China. The prices of watermelons are stable. The watermelon is sold at three yuans to four yuans reportedly.

If traders can export watermelon to China through Muse border trade again, the cost and time can be saved half more than the current, said traders.