CNI News

16 November 2023

Although the Mon State Salt Industry Department has earmarked to produce more salt, expanding any more of 200 acres for this year's salt production season, some salt farmers are finding it difficult to expand acres reportedly.

 With the increase in the price of fuel and other commodities, due to the scarcity of salt workers, it is not convenient to expand the acreage of salt production, U Hla Tin, a salt farmer from Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, told CNI News.

" Government officials have asked us to expand acres one year after another. Some salt farmers can expand, but we can't. The prices of fuel and other commodities are going up. Salt workers are also rare. So, we are finding it difficult to expand." he said.

While seeing salt farmers

The salt fields are currently being repaired for this year's salt season and salt farmers will start producing salt next month reportedly. Because the salt stored in the rainy season is being sold by salt farmers, the salt price is falling in the market, Ko Kyaw Lwin who operates the salt business, told CNI News.

" We were selling salt during the rainy season. At first, we could sell salt at 200 kyats per viss (3.6 lb). But now the price is just 180 kyats. If the new salt appears in the coming year, the price will fall. The workers are also scarce and the cost is high as well. We, salt farmers, don't expect too much. We go on working because we are worried that our fields will be damaged." said Ko Kyaw Lwin.

Although the government did not provide loans to salt farmers in the previous years, it is providing loans to salt farmers at a rate of 500,000 kyats per salt furnace this year reportedly. 

While seeing salt farmers

However, because the loan must be repaid within a year, the farmers are finding it difficult, U Hla Tin, a salt farmer from Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, told CNI News.

" The government provides loans for a year. The loan must be repaid within a year. You can take loan after repay the loan. Farmers are in two minds whether they should take loans. We, salt farmers are given, but we don't get sort of. It is difficult for salt farmers to repay the loans within one year." he said.

Last year, Mon State had more than 90 salt blocks and produced salt on more than 4,000 acres. Mon State Salt Industry Department has earmarked to produce more salt, expanding any more of 200 acres. 

The salt produced in Mon State is used in Mon State, Yangon Region, Tanintharyi Region and Bago Region.