CNI News

16 November 2023

The battles between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) could take place for long, U Myo Kyaw, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), told CNI News. 

Although the two sides agreed to cease fire due to the mediation by Mr.Sasakawa, a Japanese special envoy in November 2022, according to the current situation, there is no situation that could stop the battles, he said.

" According to the current situation, even if such a mediation was made, it would be impossible to stop the fighting because now the war is not only in Rakhine but also throughout the country. Battles are severely taking place across the country. For example, the Karenni National Defense Army (KNDF) forces are fighting to capture Loikaw in Kayah State. Moreover, battles are breaking out in northern Shan State, northern Sagaing Region, Chin State and Rakhine State when everything is related to one another. There might be a nationwide ceasefire if Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing surrenders." said U Myo Kyaw.

While seeing the Myanmar Tatmadaw

The AA fought against police stations and border guard posts in Rathedaung, Kyauktaw and Minbya Townships, Rakhine State starting from 13th November after which the battles between the two sides took place again. 

There were attacks on weak police stations in Rakhine State and as a military strategy, police stations were being merged, said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the Information Team of the Tatmadaw.

" In Rakhine State, the AA forces came and fought against Hnown Bu to the north of Paletwa about 11:45 a.m. But he enemy retreated with many casualties. We have merged weak police stations. They have stated as a propaganda that they attacked and captured police stations. We are, as a military tactics, we are merging weak camps." he said.

In sympathy with the loss and suffering of the Rakhine people, the two sides agreed to cease fire on 26th November, 2022. According to the current situation, the two sides would not discuss for peace, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

A group of jet fighters of the Myanmar Tatmadaw

 " A certain side that is in a bad situation in a war tends to offer peace and when both the two sides are weak, both of them accept peace again. Now that the AA is gathering steam, it seems to go on fighting at that speed." said U Kyi Myint.

At present the battles are taking place between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Mrauk U and Maungdaw Townships, Rakhine State including in Paletwa Township in Chin State. 

Moreover, in cooperation with other EAOs, the AA is fighting against the Tatmadaw in Sagaing Region and northern Shan State.