CNI News
12 November 2023

The goods that have been permitted to be exported through the Muse 105 Mile and Chin Shwe Haw border gates will be allowed through other gates, the Ministry of Commerce has stated.

Exporters who have got licenses to export their goods through the Muse 105 Mile and Chin Shwe Haw trade gates will be allowed to use other gates along the China-Myanmar border gates and the Myanmar-Thailand border.

Moreover, those who want to export by sea will be allowed reportedly.

However, Myanmar exporters would use Lweje and Myla, China-Myanmar border gates because other gates are more distant and more delayed, U Thet Zaw, an economic commentator, told CNI News.


While seeing the trucks at a border gate of the two countries

" Myanmar is mainly trading with Yunnan Province. If you export by sea, it will be much more distant. The closest to Yunnan is inland routes in Myanmar. Other provinces don't consume the goods from Myanmar. Yunnan is about the size of Myanmar. Myanmar is meeting the demand of Yunnan Province. So, if you export by sea, China-Myanmar border trade will be weak. Muse 105 Mile has lower transportation costs than other gates. Moreover, you can export goods on a large scale. It is difficult to export on a large scale through Lweje. The cost will be more. If the cost is more, prices will be high." said U Thet Zaw.

The trade value from the China-Myanmar border trade was about 300 million kyats each day in the past. However, because of the current battles, it is believed that a large amount of border trade could be lost.

Importers have been allowed to use other border gates. If they want to import by sea, they will be verified and allowed depending on each case, said in the statement.
If the ministry stated earlier, trader could make preparations, said traders. Currently, watermelon exporters are exporting through Lweje and Myla gates to China.


Lweje-Laiyang trade gate (Photo-Soe Tun)

" Our trucks can't enter the Chines side directly. We have to stop at Myla only where Chinese trucks come and carry our goods. At Lweje, our trucks can enter China. But there is no truck that directly goes to Lweje. We have to change trucks at Bamo. if you export through Lweje or Myla, the cost is higher. But there is a high demand for watermelon in the Chinese market, traders make a profit. At present, the watermelon price is about 20 lakh kyats in Lweje." said Ko Thitsar, a watermelon trader.

The goods imported from China are non-perishable construction materials and other products and although there is a delay on the road, it doesn't affect much to traders. However, because the goods exported from Myanmar are perishable foodstuff and crops, it might affect to traders.

Severe battles have been taking place between the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State since 27th October 2023.

Due to the Operation-1027 waged by the Three Brotherhood Alliance along the Mandalay-Muse Pyidaungsu Road, the China-Myanmar border trade has almost stopped reportedly.