CNI News

7 November, 2023

The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) stated on 7th November 2023 that it was able to clear a military camp of the Tatmadaw deployed inside the pagoda compound in the center of Namkham, in northern Shan State. 

It seized 28 various weapons including one pistol and military equipment from the Tatmadaw/ militia joint forces, said in the statement.

Although battles were taking place between the TNLA and the Tatmadaw/militia joint forces, the TNLA had not been able to control the entire Namkham, said Namkham residents, adding that most Shan people live in Namkham Town and its nearby rural areas and those Shan regions are still the elements of the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP).

The statement released by the TNLA that it has seized the Tatmadaw's camp in the pagoda compound in the center of Namkham

Under the title of Operation-1027, Three Brotherhood Alliance - the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA) are fighting against the Tatmadaw. 

However, the SSPP has deployed its troops to protect Shan people without participating in any side, said the people close to the SSPP.