CNI News

7 November 2023

Officials from Thai Labor Ministry and Myanmar Union Minister for Labor Ministry discussed to enable undocumented Myanmar workers in Thailand to stay and work legally with certificate of identity (CI) book, the ministry of labor stated.

Although it would be convenient if Thailand complies with Myanmar's request, Thailand would agree on the basis the need for workers and the number of undocumented workers, U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development (FED), told CNI News.

" Thailand doesn't make a list of new workers at once. It is done after consultation with all departments. But the labor ministry is the main. According the ministry, we heard how many undocumented workers. The case of new worker registration will be presented at the cabinet meeting. And recommendation is needed also from the ministry of home affairs and the ministry of health depending on the number of undocumented workers. And then the Prime Minister approves it and it is decided at the cabinet meeting." he said.

A camp that provides service for CI books

If undocumented Myanmar workers were issued Baht Pink Card (Thai Pink ID Card) instead of CI, it would be more convenient, Ko Thargyi helping migrant workers told CNI News.

" It is very good if an undocumented worker gets a document because the security is important. But under the government led by Thakson, you were able to work in any part of Thailand if you had a labor card alone also known as a pink ID card. If the card like that was issued, a worker could go to anywhere in Thailand independently and work. And it would be low-cost for workers and reliable for safety." he said.

An undocumented worker has to spend 8,000 to 12,000 bahts to get a CI book at the CI camps in Thailand reportedly from those who are helping migrant workers. 

Moreover, Every Myanmar worker who has a CI book probably will have to pay Myanmar government income tax that was being implemented starting from 1st October, they pointed out.