CNI News

3 Nov 2023

Due to the battles between the Tatmadaw and Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State, the flow of goods is interrupted and the prices are sky-rocketed and shortages of fuel and other basic foodstuffs are occurring, said locals. 

Although people in the towns near the Chinese border such as Muse and Laukkai can buy goods from the Chinese border trade, Kutkai, Lashio and Theinni towns are finding it more difficult than border areas because the towns are far from the border area and it is not easy to transport goods from the mainland reportedly. 

Because there is a power failure in Kutkai at present, residents are finding it difficult to get drinking water. Moreover, fuel and other commodities are also in short supply, a Kutkai resident told CNI News.

" We are finding it difficult in everything because we can't go anywhere. People in Muse can buy goods from the Chinese side. Because we are depending on the local goods from Theinni and Lashio, all the prices are going up. People in town find it more difficult. We have almost run out of drinking water. Because the power station was mined in Kutkai, we can't use electricity. And there is no fuel for generators as well. We had to boil the water that fell from the mountain and drink it in such a situation. If this keeps up, it will be very difficult for our livelihood." he said.

Although it is just 16 miles away from Kutkai to Theinni, it is not easy to get rice from Theinni because not only battles are breaking out, a bridge also, on the way has broken, said Kutkai residents.

A meat and fish market in Yangon

Although the price for 30 eggs was 6,000 kyats in the past, but now the price has been 18,000 kyats. Moreover, the price for a bag of rice was just over 100,000 kyats in the past, but now the price has been until 200,000 kyats reportedly.

They were planning to buy basic foodstuff from the Chinese side and sell at regular prices in Muse to protect from higher prices, commodity shortages and speculation by those who store goods for long, Ko Pyae from the Kan Let Kunyi Prahita Association told CNI News.

" We have not been allowed to pass the Theinni-Yebu Gate between Lashio and Muse. Goods don't enter and they don't go out as well. The route between Lashio and Muse has been still blocked. The prices are going up all over the northern Shan State. But in Muse, the price of an egg has been up to nearly 1,000 kyats. So, we buy eggs from China and sell them. We give the poor free of charge. The prices are going up due to rumor, I think. Yesterday we sold over 5,000 eggs. They were not sold out. We are working to buy basic foodstuff from China and to sell them in Muse. We are still transporting. We have to buy an egg at 350 kyats from China. the prices of some goods might be higher a little." he said.

Due to battles, roads are blocked, bridges are broken, sounds of gunfire are still heard, schools and departmental offices are closed, said Kutkai residents. 

Moreover, MNDAA has prohibited people not use the Muse-Lashio Pyidaungsu Road and the Laukkai-Lashio Pyidaungsu Road.