CNI News

3 November 2023

It was not convenient to obtain documentary evidence for children of Myanmar migrant workers who have registered in the name list in some provinces, Thailand, U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development (FED) told CNI News.

Thai government has allowed migrant workers who have registered in the name list to temporarily stay and work in Thailand until 13th February 2025 and their children at the age of under 18.

" But when you try to obtain documentary evidence for your children, it's still difficult. It depends on provinces. In the place where we stay, we need recommendationsfrom employers or heads of villages. It's convenient to obtain documentary for children in the 10th territory of Bangkok. It depends on provinces." said U Min Oo.

Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand

The documents for children are issued by Thai Labor and Employment Department in relevant provinces as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs. Although documents for children could be obtained through brokers, it was not encouraged due to a lot of inconvenience, said U Min Oo  

If children who were over 18 wanted to work, they would have to apply for work permit. The cost for applying like that would be the same as the cost of their parents reportedly.

Moreover, employers have to submit the name list until 15th January 2024 to allow workers to work legally, the Office of the Labor Ambassador has stated.

Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand

"This parent and this child will be correct only if it is on the identification card that is attached together. Because parents have name list documents, children are not allowed to stay. When they go somewhere, they need to show something documented. So many children were born in Myanmar. It's even worse if you can't show a birth certificate. For example, when the parents took their children at the age of 8 to 13 with them, they were checked if they were human traffickers. So, when parents apply for the Name List, they need to apply for their children as dependents." said Ko Thar gyi helping in the affairs of migrant workers to CNI News.

When documented children travel, they can travel without territorial restrictions and are not subject to interrogation reportedly.

The number of migrant workers that have registered in the name list in Thailand about one million and they have been allowed to stay and work for just over one year. However, later the renewal might be allowed, said some people.