CNI News

1 Nov 2023

Due to the battles between the Tatmadaw and Three Brotherhood Alliance taking place starting from 27th October, Myanmar-China border trade had stopped because the,, trading routes could not used, said traders. 

Muse 105 Mile trade camp, Chin Shwe Haw border trade camp and Kyin San Kyawt border trade camp had been suspended and some commodities were much more expensive than usual, Ko Thant Zin, a truck driver from Muse told CNI News.

" The trade has been closed. Because the trade routes have been closed, the people who live on trade are hurt. The trade is closed on the Myanmar side. The trade has been closed in Chin Shwe Haw and Laukkai. For the time being, commodity prices are going up. The price of an egg is 600 to 700 kyats. We can still buy a bag of rice. If this keeps up, we can't easily buy rice. Some shops sell and others don't." he said.

While the Kokang group was raising its flag after controlling Chin Shwe Haw

Due to the battles breaking out in northern Shan State, Muse-Mandalay Road that plays an important role has been closed. In the same way, Namtu Creek Bridge was mined and broken after which trucks could not pass, said locals. 

So, many trucks were stranded and some of them returned. At present, because trucks cannot go to Muse, exporting goods to China has suspended. Because the trade has stopped, although both countries are hurt, Myanmar is more hurt, Ko Thitsa, a watermelon exporter, told CNI News.

While seeing a truck in the China-Myanmar border trade area

" Since the battles started, we had stopped loading goods on the trucks. The road is not safe. The watermelon trucks had already arrived there and watermelons were sold  at a profitable price. Because the trade has stopped, both countries are hurt. But because China is richer than Myanmar, we are more hurt.

Consequences will gradually arise." he said.  

Although Myanmar does not export anything to China at present, China is exporting its goods through Thai border and Chinese goods are entering Myanmar by sea. 

Daily border trade value of China-Myanmar through Muse 105 Mile and Chin Shwe Haw trade camps was about three million US dollars.