CNI News

1 Nov 2023

There are reviews and opinions among political commentators whether the Operation-1027 conducted by the Three Brotherhood Alliance - the Arakan Army, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army and the Myanmar Nationalities Democratic Alliance Army could reach until the central part of the country or not. 

The operation launched on 27th October 2023 attcked Lashio, Theinni, Mogok and Naungcho and the Bamar People's Liberation Army (BPLA) and Mandalay PDF took side with Three Brotherhood Alliance at the battles against the Tatmadaw.  

However, the operation could not reach until the central part of the country, Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political and military commentator, told CNI News. 

" The operation can't reach until the central part. They are in a position to gather in one place and fight. In fact, the Tatmadaw was weak in some points while it was carrying out its tasks. But it was difficult for the Tatmadaw to control territories under the two democratic governments. It's because of weakness of the constitution. No one can see it except me. So, unexpectedly a guerilla civil war can spread. There were a lot of dark news about the Tatmadaw, which make people see the Tatmadaw as thugs. Althoughthere was no intention, there were some management mistakes of the Tatmadaw. After they were enlarged, the Tatmadaw has become a villain. Moreover, according to the 2008 constitution, the Tatmadaw had no rights to take responsibility for security. So, in the case that is happening now, as the Tatmadaw, there is a sense of having to work hard a little," he said.

While seeing comrades who are fighting for the Operation-1027 in northern Shan State

Their operation also was being implemented in Kachin State and Htigyaing Township, Sagaing Region and battles were taking place severely, Three Brotherhood Alliance stated. Whether the operation could reach until the main land or not depended on the military ambition of the Three brotherhood Alliance, U Khun Sai, one of the people who are getting involved in the peace process, told CNI News.

" As No-1, until which places has three brotherhood alliance intended to attack? If that goal is fulfilled, they might stop. Secondly, how will the Tatmadaw tackle it? If the Tatmadaw cleverly tackled it by military, political and diplomatic means, it can end quickly. Another thing is the attitudes of our neighboring countries. How do they see the battles near the border? If they see the battles should not break out and the problems should be solved peacefully, they will negotiate with the Tatmadaw and Three Brotherhood Alliance and then the battles can end quickly, I think." he said.

Due the Three Brotherhood Alliance's operation that was launched on 27th October 2023, battles were severely taking place and There are also heavy artillery fire and airstrikes. AA, TNLA and MNDAA, members of the Three Brotherhood Alliance, are northern EAOs that are collaborating in military and politics.