CNI News

18 October 2023

Booking hotel rooms for Thadingyut holiday in Shan State is fewer in comparison with 2022 Thadingyut holiday, the Directorate of the Shan State Hotel and Tourism told CNI News. 

Booking hotel rooms for the Thadingyut holiday was full in 2022. However, there are many hotel rooms left this year, U Sithu Kyaw, deputy director of the directorate of Shan State Hotel and Tourism told CNI News.

" Booking hotel rooms is not many. There are few people who book rooms from small hotels except for big hotels. Last year Thadingyut holiday was in good condition. All0 the hotels in Taunggyi were full with guests. Many guests entered Nyaung Shwe. All the rooms were full with guests. But Is it because it hasn't stopped raining this year? Why is booking hotel rooms few? We are watching whether because of rain or not. Phaung Daw Oo pagoda festival is to be held in Thadingyut this year. And then, Taunggyi Tazaungdaing Festival will come. And then, Meeshawdaing festival will come. And then December will reach. In earle January, Cherry Flower Festival and Ethnic Food Festival will be held in Kengtung. Guests are coming, but unlike in the past, booking is not full." said U Sithu Kyaw.

There had been a lot of booking hotel rooms for Tazaungdaing holiday since October in 2022. However, booking hotel rooms is few for Thadingyut this year. Moreover, there has been booking for Tazaungdaing. 

While foreigners were visiting ancient pagodas in Inle region

In northern Shan State, in comparison with last year, tourist arrivals have decreased by about 20 percent, U Zaw Zaw, chairman of the Hotel Entrepreneurs Association (Northern Shan State) told CNI News.

" In comparison with last year, tourist arrivals have decreased a lot this year. We didn't have enough rooms for guests last year. There are many vacant rooms in almost every hotel. 20 percent of tourists arrival have decreased in average. For the time being, foreigners are not allowed to come here in northern Shan State. Just one or two people from INGO come. Last year, 10 percent of tourist arrival were foreigners. But this year, foreigner arrival is zero." said U Zaw Zaw.

Not only the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism but also travel operators estimated that tourist arrivals will increase in the open season of this year. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, so many people went to Taunggyi, Pyin Oo Lwin and Kalaw where festivals were held in Thadingyut and Tazaungdaing holidays.

The reason why the booking hotel rooms has decreased this year may be due to security concerns and high hotel room rental fees. Moreover, the rain is not over yet, people are worried about safety on the road, hoteliers reviewed.