CNI News

18 October 2023

Although its three forces have been suspended from their duties, they were not dismissed, Yebaw Sonny, general secretary of the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) told CNI News.

The ABSDF made the decision after considering all aspects and although they were suspended from their duties, they would be remain as forces, said Yebaw Sonny. 

" We have suspended them from their political and military duties, but they will remain as our forces. We considered all aspects to make a decision like that. We received the invitation from the military council. We had to do it in accordance with the procedure of the organization. Is it like pushing them to the military council side? We don't think so." he told CNI News.

ABSDF Organization

Yebaw Myo Win, vice chairman of the ABSDF and two members of the Central Leading Committee - Yebaw Saw Maung Oo and Yebaw Min Zaw were suspended from their duties, the ABSDF stated on 16th October 2023. 
They attended the 8th anniversary celebration of the NCA against the policy, attitude and position laid down by the ABSDF and they would not be allowed to do so again, said in the statement.

Although CNI News tried to contact Yebaw Min Zaw by phone to know more about the attitude of the ABSDF regarding the suspension of the forces from their duties, it has not been able to contact him. 

While seeing the attendees of the NCA 8th anniversary celebration

The decision to suspend the three forces from their duties  was the approval of the ABSDF Central Committee meeting that was over 70 percent of attendance and the three forces who attended the 8th anniversary celebration didn't attend on behalf of the ABSDF, said Yebaw Sonny.

" We don't know why they attended the event, but we are sure that they didn't attend the event on behalf of our organization. Although they went according to their individual wishes, We don't know exactly how they went." he said. 

The ABSDF signed the NCA on 15th October 2015. However, having said that the NCA has been void after the Tatmadaw took power, the ABSDF has been fighting against the Tatmadaw.