CNI News

11 October 2023

The armed conflict in Myanmar may become more widespread, said U Kun Gawn Awn Hkam, a Kachin politician, to CNI News. 

An explosion broke out at the at the Munglai Hkyet IDP camp near Laiza on the night of 9th October, 2023 and 29 people were killed and 56 people were wounded, said Col.Naw Bu, information officer of the Kachin Independence Army.

Due to this incident, the conflict could become more intense, said U Kun Gawn Awn Hkam.

" The consequences of this event will arise. First,it causes resentment among the Kachin people. And then, the armed conflict could become more intense. The public feels so bitter that there will be response that I think so." he said to CNI News.

The explosion at the IDP camp was an act of the Tatmadaw, said Col.Naw Bu, information officer of the KIA to news agencies.

Damages and debris caused by the explosion at the Munglai Hkyet IDP camp

However, the Tatmadaw did not attack like that and they were investigating about the explosion, said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the Information Team of the State Administration Council in a statement released on 10 October 2023.

" We are still investigating about the IDP camp explosion in Laiza. We are always working to maintain peace and stability in the border region. I want you to consider if it's possible that we attacked a place near the border by dropping a bomb or by a large weapon? The Tatmadaw is able to attack any headquarters. But we didn't fire or attack. The organization (KIA) itself is talking about various news. Some said that the military government fired from its warplanes and others said that military government fired by large weapons. They are talking vaguely. What I can say exactly is that the place where an explosion occurred  is a place where drone bombs were stored. An explosion broke out at that place. We are still investigating why the explosion took place. In the past, a KIA ammunition depot exploded near Laiza. They blacked out the news. Now it may be due to an explosion at the drone bomb depot. We are still investigating about the news on the ground." said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.

The armed conflict has been breaking out across the country since 1 February 2021 in Myanmar and it has not been reduced until today and is getting more severe. 

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun

The reason why the armed conflict has become widespread was because of weakness in political dialogue.

It would be convenient to be able to carry out the process that could find the political answer, said U Thar Tun Hla, chairman of the Arakan National Party (ANP), to CNI News.

" The reason why the armed conflict has been widespread because of weakness in political dialogue, I think. So, If the political problem will be solved by political means, stakeholders need to be honest. The processes that will find the answer in accordance with political means should be implemented so that we can reduce the armed conflict." he said.

Armed conflicts have been breaking out widely across the country and because of the battles, the country's peace, politics, economy, education and health are deteriorating from all sides.