CNI News

11 October 2023 

An explosion took place at the  Munglai Hkyet IDP camp near the Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA) headquarters in Laiza, Kachin State at about midnight on 9 October 2023. 

Due to the explosion, 29 people were killed and 56 were wounded and 44 people are receiving treatment, said Col.Naw Bu, spokesperson of the KIA.

" It is a situation where the military council dropped a bomb at about 11:25 p.m. yesterday . But I did not hear the sound of the plane flying. We are considering if they attacked by drone. We have found 29 dead bodies up to now. 56 people were wounded and 44 people are receiving treatment. Among the people who were killed, children and old people were included. But we can't identify exactly. We are still finding." said Col.Naw Bu in an interview with Myanmar Now.

Colonel Naw Bu, in charge of news and information department of the KIA

They were still investigating the Munglai Hkyet IDP camp explosion and they did not bomb the camp by airplane and did not conduct any attacks. 

It might be due to explosion of drone bombs stored, said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the information team of the State Administration Council on 10 October 2023.

" We are still investigating about the IDP camp explosion in Laiza. We are always working to maintain peace and stability in the border region. I want you to consider if it's possible that we attacked a place near the border by dropping a bomb or by a large weapon? The Tatmadaw is able to attack any headquarters. But we didn't fire or attack. The organization (KIA) itself is talking about various news. Some said that the military government fired from its warplanes and others said that military government fired by large weapons. They are talking vaguely. What I can say exactly is that the place where an explosion occurred  is a place where drone bombs were stored. An explosion broke out at that place. We are still investigating why the explosion took place. In the past, a KIA ammunition depot exploded near Laiza. They blacked out the news. Now it may be due to an explosion at the drone bomb depot. We are still investigating about the news on the ground." said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.  

Now, at the rate of death and injury, if the attack were conducted by bomb, the bomb must be 200 lb or 500 lb. 

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the information team of the State Administration Council 

However, if the photos were studied carefully, there was no sign of the situation was attacked by 200 or 500 lb bomb. Moreover, if attacked by drone, a drone can carry 10lb or 20lb bomb. Drone bombs cannot kill and injure so many people, an ammunition and military expert said.

" They said that it was bombed by a warplane when studied the photos uploaded. But a 200-pound or 500-pound bomb can cause the current number of deaths and injuries. if the bomb like that was dropped, there must be a large hole in the ground. But we don't find it. Moreover, A Chinese Special Envoy has arrived at the border now. He is discussing with the Arakan Army (AA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). The Tatmadaw surely would have known the news. In a situation like this, there is something to think about whether the Tatmadaw would attack Laiza at the Chinese border. Another thing is that the sound of a plane flying was not heard. Only the sound of an explosion was heard. Some said that it was attacked by drones. But the currently used drones can carry 10 or 20lb bombs. These bombs cannot cause the deaths and injuries like that. So, this incident should be carefully studied." he said.

Mr.Deng Xijun, Chinese Special Envoy for Asian Affairs, has arrived at the Chinese-Myanmar border and is discussing about peace processes with the AA and MNDAA.

Even though the relevant organizations are accusing each other about the Munglai Hkyet IDP camp explosion, there has been no correct answer.