CNI News
7 October 6 2023

AA (the Arakan Army) is carrying out expecting to build a nation beyond a confederation status, said Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator, to CNI News.

Not only AA but also KIA (the Kachin Independent Army) has expected to build the Wang Pao Country. And according to the geopolitics, Rakhine is in a situation that can build an independent nation, he added.

" KIA has expected to build the Republic of Wang Pao and AA has aimed to build the Arakan State. AA wants to build an independent State because Rakhine people have a history that they lived in a country of their own. By looking at AA going to confederate by reason of federalism, its real ambition is obviously to build an independent nation. According to political geography, Rakhine is in a situation that can build an independent State as a small country. And it has population, geography and sea outlet necessary to build a nation. But Rakhine and Bamar come from the same race according to anthropology except for a little different accent between them. The relationship between Arakan and Burmese is too close. In fact, it can't be separated. Such a situation happened." said Dr.Aung Myo.


The AA Force

In the call for applications to serve in various courts and law offices under the Justice Department of the Arakan Government on 1 October 2023, a point that an applicant must be loyal to the Arakan State and the Arakn People's Government was included.

At present, AA is building administration, legislation and judiciary in Rakhine State reportedly. Moreover, other ethnic groups also are implementing different types of administration and they have arisen depending the current political and military situations, said U Kun Gawng Awng Kham, a Kachin politician.

"It also depends on their perception and how widely they can do. Not only Rakhine but also Karenni has formed councils. Besides, other ethnic groups might follow them. When the civil war breaks out, various situations have arisen." he said.


The AA Force

Myanmar democracy activists are waging the Spring Revolution to overthrow the Tatmadaw after the State power was taken by the Tatmadaw on 1 February 2021.

 At present, ethnic groups are testing and building different types of administration and when the Spring Revolution is successful, these issues must be resolved, said U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, to CNI News.

"Ethnic groups are testing and building different administration types that we see in many places. These are the cases that we have to discuss about when the military council's dictatorship is abolished. I have no comment about it." he said.

The Arakan Army (AA) was formed in April 2009 and took a foothold in Paletwa Township, Chin State when the revolution started and then it began to penetrate into Rakhine State reportedly.

The battles broke out again between the AA and the Tatmadaw in August 2022 after two years of ceasefire. And then, in consideration of the loss of the local community, the two sides agreed to cease fire on 26 November 2022.