CNI News
7 October 2023

Migrant workers including Myanmar who have registered in the name list in Thailand will be allowed to stay there until 2025, according to the decision of the meeting of Thai labor Ministry.


The nomination of the migrant workers in Thailand was allowed to register until the end of July and about one million migrant workers nominated reportedly.

" The name list alone is not enough. Work permit must be applied. The meaning of the name list is that for example, Ko Thar Gyi is working for Daw Phyu Phyu. And then Ko Thar Gyi must apply for work permit in October. So, if you have a work permit, you will be a legal worker. You don't need passport until 2025. With a work permit alone, if you are allowed to work without passport and CI, so much the better. I hope so. Because we are not sure how the plans will be changed, we have to watch a lot." said Ko Thar Gyi who is helping Myanmar migrant workers, to CNI News.


Myanmar citizens who are applying for residence permit

There are about one million migrant workers including Myanmar who have registered in the name list in Thailand at present and they will be allowed to stay until 13th February 2025 if they finish the processes that they have to go on performing.


Although migrant workers have been allowed to stay and work for over one year only, the allowance might be extended later, said the people who are helping in the affairs of migrant workers.

Thai relevant departments have not released any statements in relation to the process that is to be performed. Moreover, the role of brokers will be involved, said U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from FED, to CNI News.


Myanmar citizens who are applying for residence permit

" When you are allowed to work, it won't cost you a lot because you don't have to have a medical checkup and do others. But most of the workers work with brokers. You have to pay fully brokerage. In fact, most of the workers are not in the name list. Brokers have taken the brokerage until CI book is got." he said.

Moreover, visa fee has been reduced from 2,000 to bahts and the workers with MoU expired are allowed to stay and work until April 2024 reportedly.