CNI News

28 September 2023

US is using Myanmar as a proxy war and interfering in the affairs of Myanmar, said Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political analyst, to CNI News. 

US gives money directly to the opposition elements and providing them with other types of aids, he said.

" US government is directly providing the opposition elements with financial support including money from private donors. As a government, according to the law, US can't provide weapons. All the money they support reaches into the hands of the National Unity Government, not towards the government that is officially working. These money reached towards the end users. After buying weapons through arms smugglers in Thailand with these money, opposition forces will fight back against the government. The US government has already known that these money will be spent for the proxy war." said Dr. Aung Myo.

People protesting against the Tatmadaw in February 2021

The US became to interfere more in the affairs of Myanmar after the US National Defense Authority Act (NDAA) in which Burma Act is included was approved in December 2022. 

The Act contains the program to help Myanmar and according to the program, the US can provide technical and non-arms assistance to the pro-democracy activists and the EAOs that are fighting against the Tatmadaw.

People protesting against the Tatmadaw in February 2021

The US was providing assistance to some EAOs to control China, said U Li Paw Reh, chairman of the Lisu National Development Party (Dulei Party), to CNI News.

" The US helped and help some EAOs but not like helping Ukraine obviously. In my opinion, the US probably will not help opposition forces like Ukraine." said U Li Paw Reh.

To control China, which has become a powerful country, the US is performing to destabilize Myanmar that is a Chinese neighboring country, pointed out Myanmar political analysts.

At present the battles between the Tatmadaw and some EAOs/PDF joint forces are taking place in Kayin, Kayah, Chin States, Sagaing and Magway Regions.