CNI News

26 September  2023

After Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun who had been the Chief of Staff of the Tatmadaw (Army) was removed because of bribery, rumor has that Lt-Gen Kyaw Swar Lin has been appointed to replace him.

Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun was the fourth highest official in the Tatmadaw (army) and the fifth in the State Administration Council. So, he was known as a powerful super general.

When he was a member of the SAC, he was assigned as chairman of the foreign currency supervisory committee and of the Myanmar investment commission. And then he was accused that he committed bribery when he dealt with local businessmen and he was inspected after which he was removed from all the positions.

The statement that has mentioned the reshuffle of the State Administration Council

General Mya Tun Oo was appointed as chairman of Foreign Currency Supervisory Committee and of the Myanmar Investment Commission as a replacement and Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye was appointed as a member of the SAC as a replacement.

Moreover, after Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun was removed from the position of the Chief of Staff of the Tatmadaw (Army), Lt- Gen Kyaw Swar Lin has been assigned to replace him reportedly.

Lt-Gen Kyaw Swar Lin is from the batch number-35 of the Defense Service Academy and served as the commander of the Central Command and as the Quartermaster General.

They have heard that Lt-Gen Kyaw Swar Lin has been assigned as the chief of staff of the Tatmadaw (Army) and it was very likely, said some people who are close to the Tatmadaw, to CNI News.